Spring Training and Horror Movies

Over the past weekend, N and I went to FL to go to Nats Spring Training, for the second time. Dad had a retreat in Boca so we were able to crash in his room, and we went to a Nats/Mets game in Port St. Lucie and a Nats/Marlins game and batting practice in West Palm Beach. It is always fun to go to these games – the pace is slow and relaxed, the weather is great and you can see the players up close. N got a baseball signed by the Astros’ best player, and then got a ball signed by half of the Nats. Here are some pics:

I think the trip got us in the mood for baseball, which is right around the corner.

Meanwhile on the opposite coast, A was in full makeup shooting a short film with a horror element. Here are some screenshots taken on FaceTime calls with Dad and M:

Doesn’t she look amazing? She was extremely irritated to miss the Oscars though.

Poor M is stuck in midterm studying hell. But she is fasting for Ramadan (?) which she says helps with mental clarity?

ONE MONTH UNTIL BAR MITZVAH. We had our meeting with Rabbi Goldstein today and N is in great shape.