Spring Weekend

This weekend was… tiring. Long. Fun at times. Busy.

Here's what we did…

Girls got up Saturday and hustled off to ballet. They were tired after a late bedtime (shocker) on Friday night. But they made it, with buns, and had a good class. Right after class, M went straight to baseball practice. Ballet ends at noon nad baseball starts at noon, so every week she will have to do what I call a "Superman" and change from leotard into baseball uniform within a few minutes, no phone booth.

When N woke up from his nap we headed over to watch M's practice, while A played at Lafayette. M had some good hits and did a great job in the relay running race at the end, even though her team was DQed because someone didn't tag the other runner.

After practice the girls and I took N to the tot lot and pushed him on the swing. Lots of cuteness ensued.







Saturday afternoon N and I went to the grocery store and Daddy taught the girls to play backgammon. Then it was BACK to Lafayette for M's baseball game, which started at 5:30. It was a good game – the Giants played well but lost to the Cardinals 22-19. M had a few base hits and stopped a few infield plays too. We were all tired after the game and didn't even get home 'til almost 8. Daddy and I went out to dinner and Imogene came to babysit.

Today, the girls had Sunday School and poor Daddy had to go to a parent program for the 3rd grade there too. Afterwards, Alida came over and the girls had lunch that no one seemed to like. We then took them on a really fun errand – Brooks Brothers for new suits for Daddy. The three girls – we called them the triplets – were good sports about it. So we took them to the park afterwards and they played for a while.

The girls have tomorrow and Tuesday off. In the morning tomorrow, they will be going to a soccer workshop for a three hours, which should be interesting since they haven't played soccer since they were about 4.

Some pics of A:

From the K-Center with Grandma Sandy on Friday night:





And finally here is a pic of A doing her imitation of Eugene Levy's character Gerry Fleck from the movie "Best in Show":



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