St. Louis Weekend

We are back from our weekend in St. Louis honoring Dad for the Clayton Alumni Hall of Fame! We had a good time and Dad got to do a lot of reminiscing about high school and his life in St. Louis.

We got in on Friday and went to Clayton for the ceremony. Dad gave a great talk – only 4 minutes – which was the best speech of the night. He talked about the values he learned at Clayton and how they have helped him in his life.

Then we went to a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant that Grandma and Grandpa love called Tony’s. They had two of their favorite St. Louis dishes – toasted ravioli and a special dessert whose name I can’t remember, but which was prepared at our table.

On Saturday, we went to take a tour of Busch Stadium. It was a beautiful day and the stadium is lovely.

We then had lunch with our friend Sean who is in St. Louis recovering from transplant surgery, and then walked over to the Arch and drove around downtown a little.

Then Dad and N and Grandma and Grandpa drove around Clayton and showed N their childhood homes and more landmarks. Last night, we had the dinner for the honorees. At our table we had the 5 of us plus Judy, Deb Dubin and Dad’s yearbook teacher. N was underwhelmed by the silent auction but Deb won one of them and gave N and me a bunch of fancy L’Occitane stuff so that was sweet. I don’t have the group pics from the dinner yet but will post them when I get them.

Today we had brunch at Judy’s house and then headed to the City Museum, which is really one of the coolest, oddest places I’ve ever been. It’s a huge warehouse that has been converted into a museum with lots of fun slides and walkways and just bizarre things, like a school bus hanging off the roof. N loved it.

And finally a few more pics from Dad’s phone. It’s late so I am not going to write more tonight but will try to add more detail tomorrow. Dad had a great weekend and was so happy to be back in the Lou with G&G for the first time in decades!