Last night, Dad, N and I went to a Dark Sky park in Virginia about an hour away. We got there at 8 – already dark – and ate a picnic dinner using flashlights covered in red plastic so that we didn’t add light pollution. There is an Astronomy Night there every month, so we took advantage of a gorgeous, clear night and drove out. The stars were great! And we had a very nice panoramic view of the sky. Very cool.
N’s baseball team finally lost – Friday and today. They played some tough teams. Today was close at the end, but sadly it didn’t happen. But they are still 7-2 for the season, which is great. And there are still two games left.
M had a busy weekend and went to NYC for a concert in Brooklyn last night. She said it was great! She is leaving for Poland next weekend and will be gone for over a week. Here is the concert:

A went to a Texas-themed fraternity party. Looks like it was fun:

Also, both girls got covid shots today (and A got a flu shot). Proud of them for dealing with it!