N’s baseball team had another game tonight and they won, again. They are undefeated and have a knack for coming from behind (often after a big lead) and winning close games. Tonight N had an absolutely beautiful long drive that was sadly caught by the Padres’ center fielder. He is also playing first base and enjoying it a lot. The kids on his team (the White Sox) are very kind and the coaches are also nice. This is turning out to be a great team.
The girls have had very busy weeks. A has had a ton of work – schoolwork, work for her entertainment fraternity, work for her internship – and she wasn’t feeling great either. M has been doing schoolwork, ROTC and – back to her old tricks – supervising GOTV postcard volunteers. N is also going to oversee volunteers for postcarding as his bar mitzvah project! He got the approval from GDS today.
Here is the “good game” shake at the end. Gotta love night baseball. Gorgeous night.

Tomorrow N and I are getting covid/flu shots. Dad is FINALLY testing negative, thankfully!