Stories from the Trip

I am too tired to get the photos up tonight, but I will later this week.

The girls had a fun day today. A piano lesson from Grandma Sandy (M learned a new piece called The March of the Dwarfs, which requires both hands and sightreading), then two playdates with classmates – first Natalie and then Emily. The weather is beautiful and they seemed very happy when I got home. Tomorrow it is back to school.

There were so many cute stories, sayings and comments from this week. Sadly, I won't remember most of them. but i did write down a few.

  • The girls are quite aware of the blog, and half the time they do something funny, they then say, "And don't put that on the blog!".
  • A asked me if she could take a photo of each of the shells she collected on the beach. Then she said, "We'll put them on their own blog, called The Blog of the Shells."
  • A told me that I am the best mommy because I give her a lot of toilet paper, and let her have two desserts.
  • A drew on a picture that M had made, and M sighed and said, "That's what little sisters do!"
  • We were at a restaurant in Brooklyn, and M decided that she was in love with the owner. (He was verey cute.) She told me multiple times that she was in love with him, and that she wanted to stand up and make an announcement that "the man in the red shirt is a love bug". He gave M and A a LOT of attention – it was very cute.
  • A sang the McDonald's "Filet o' Fish" commercial ad nauseum on the trip. Over and over and over. At the end of the week it came out that she thought "filea fish" was a kind of fish.

So many more cute stories. And lots of great photos to come.

1 comment

a says:

Thanks for a fun blog. I love reading about some of the things M and A do and say. They’re so cute, and the girls are so adorable.
Aunt Ann

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