Strep and Starry Night

Poor M. It turns out that she has strep. I hate being away when one of the girls is sick. Daddy took M to the doctor this afternoon, and she had a culture that came back positive. I am very glad that I will be home tomorrow. M will stay home one more day, and then she can go back to school. She will be on antibiotics tonight and hopefully on the road to recovery.

The girls were to wear green to school today for St. Patrick's Day. I asked A which dress she wore, and she said, "You know the green and blue one that looks like Starry Night?" Wow. Yes, I know the dress, and yes, it looks like Starry Night. Did she come up with that on her own?

I am still in London, suffering extreme jet lag. Can't wait to get home tomorrow!

1 comment

a says:

I’m so sorry to learn that M was ill. I hope by now she’s much better. It’s not easy to be away from your children, especially if one is ill. However, I hope mommy enjoyed London anyway.
Aunt Ann

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