
Today had an interesting start. A woke up with a slight fever and decided to stay home from school. I walked M to school for Walk to School Day. Then I learned from A's teacher that she had standardized testing this morning. So I went back home and got A, who decided that she wanted to go to school for the test. Back to Lafayette. Then I picked up A after her test, at 11:30. Then back to pick up M at 3:15. Plus boot camp at Lafayette at 6 AM made for 5 trips to Lafayette today.

The good news is that A is feeling better. Fever is gone – just a cold again.

N has a cold too and I think it has made him a little grumpier than usual. He is also very stubborn all of a sudden! Lots of screeching tonight, unhappiness in general. (But he's stil extremely cute.) He's also getting a little more feisty with Lucky in terms of taking his food, which is good.

Here are some videos that give a sense of what he was like today. (At the end of the last video, he is going off in search of A, who was in the bathroom.)




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