
Late this afternoon at work I got a call from M's speech therapy saying that she had pinkeye and needed to go home. Imogene took her home, and I got home a bit later and took her and A to the Minute Clinic at CVS. It turns out she doesn't have pinkeye, but she does have an internal stye in her right eyelid. Poor girl. The good news is that it's not contagious and she can go to school tomorrow; the bad news is that there isn't much to do to make her feel better. I feel so sad for her because we worked hard to get 6 worksheets done for speech therapy this week that would have earned her 5 minutes of free play today, and she didn't even get to enjoy them.

M and A each picked out a treat at CVS – A picked Twix bars and M picked a bag of M&Ms.

Here are two recent drawings M did on the iPad:



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