Such a Grownup

We had some friends over for dinner tonight, and the girls were very wound up and excited. They showed off their Halloween costumes and put on tutus and high heels and danced around. We finally got them settled down and into bed around 9:40 – late night. Just as they were going to bed, A decided she needed to use the bathroom. I took A to the potty, and when we were done, I got into bed with M to cuddle for a few minutes, which we do every night.

This may not really come across in an email, but M turned to me when I got into bed with her and said, "So. Alexa pooped?" in a very matter-of-fact tone of voice that a grown up would use. It was quite entertaining.

1 comment

Rachel says:

Dear Aunt Gayle
LOL! Thats just too cute. Im even laghing right now. So since during the week i dont have time to look at your blogs on the weekend i will take my time looking at them. Sometimes i will be available in the week to look at your blogs, but rarely.
xoxoxoxoxox Rachel

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