Sugar Fest

What a weekend.

Today, we counted up all of the desserts that M & A had all weekend. Friday night: ice cream sundae. Saturday lunch: birthday cake. Saturday dinner: cupcake. Sunday lunch: chocolate cake. Sunday dinner: white birthday cake. (Special thanks to: Grampy and Nana (twice), Alejandra, Katie & David, and Peyton).

So much for controlling their sugar intake.

Today: went to the hardware store to buy a new grill. Then to Dance Basics I. Then to Grampy and Nana’s for swimming and lunch. Then to sleep. Then to the backyard for wading pool, sprinkler (which no one went in), squirt guns, and playing and dinner here with Addie. Peyton brought a yummy cake over to celebrate all three girls’ birthdays. Then shower with Mommy. Then a surprise impromptu visit from Buppie.

Now they are in bed.


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