Suitcase State Fair Final Drafts

I am so proud of the girls. They have both finished their final drafts of the essays of their state fair projects. The rough drafts are due this Thursday, and final drafts aren't due until next week. But they both wrote such good outlines that their teachers had minimal (M) and no (A) changes to their rough drafts and they hammered them out ncie and early. In A's class, her teacher read all of her intro and concluding sentences out loud as examples of what to do, and M's teacher told her she wanted to use her report as a model for next year. They've really done a great job.

What's left of the state fair project: 1) assemble items to put in the suitcases; 2) attach all of the things they've already done to the posters; and 3) cook a representative dish to serve the day of the state fair. We are going to make a pepperoni roll for West Virginia and probably blueberry pancakes for Maine. We need to pull together a few items that we need for the suitcases, but we're in good shape. The state fair comes after the girls' birthday pary and birthday, so we have a lot going on in the next week!

The little boy is talking up a storm. He likes to imitate whatever he hears. His favorite two new words are "Crap!" and "Bummer". He also is saying "hi" a lot and tonight said, "Hi Tiny!" to M. (So he didn't get it 100% right…). 

He is very concerned about his bath toys going down the drain. 

We are catching up on The Amazing Race. My team (the Globetrotters) is out already. M's (father son) is still in, as are Daddy and A's (Afghanimals).

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