Summer Solstice Weekend

This was a fun but exhausting weekend. Last night we had a bunch of people over: the Kennedys, the Lowensteins and the Campers (parents only). Lots of kids, lots of adults. We hung out outside, the younger kids swam, we grilled burgers and had a fun night. Lots of food, lots of dishes.

There has also been a lot of schlepping kids around. Round trips to Georgetown – M was there all weekend – poor girl! A had an orientation for Kevine. And there were errands to run for the dinner. So while we didn't have a lot of scheduled plans, we still had stuff to do. Daddy bought new shorts today which is huge news in our house because it never happens.

N starts Sidwell camp tomorrow. A starts Levine camp tomorrow. M starts her second week of debate. And I am only here 2 days this week with a trip to Vancouver in the middle of it. Lots going on!

Some pics of our dinner: 





Also today N and I actually crossed the street and looked at the fountain in Chevy Chase Circle! I don't think I've ever done that before. It's pretty cloudy in there – too opaque to throw in coins.



Also N is slowly working his way through thank you notes. Here is a funny one he wrote tonight:

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