
Favorite memories from today:

  • Watching the girls teach Zingo to Daddy
  • Seeing M&A act so grown up at dinner with Matt/Ellen/Ichi and the drawings they made at the table, especially A’s nest, and mini-nest with birds and eggs.
  • The girls’ excitement at ballet today.
  • Waking them up after their nap. So warm and yummy.
  • Watching A pet Allie so nicely on my bed this morning.
  • The girls reaching to hold my hand everytime we walked anywhere. I love that.

Daddy just sent me some of his favorite memories from today:

  • M said all these smart things tonight.  Like she knows her left from her right, which she said Miss Jennifer at gymnastics taught her, and then she opened a cabinet and said it was the left one (which it was). 
  • she talked about how she has two sets of twins, one from a mommy and one from a daddy, but then said she knew that daddy’s couldn’t have babies because only girls could become pregnant (she used that word).
  • In the bath, she lined up all the letters on the wall in a series of lines, one of purple, then blue, then green, etc., so it looked like a rainbow. 
  • I let them get ice cream (b/c M actually wound up eating most of her sandwich, and A ate a bit more pizza), but I said they could only have half each (A got Spongebob and M got m&m sandwich), because if people eat too many sweets, they become fat, and it was healthier not to eat too many sweets. 
  • They met 3 policemen eating dinner and were chatting them up a bit, and then we talked about stories we’ve read in the car that have policemen in them (Curious George).
  • A was sweet and adorable all night, and doesn’t seem to be sneezing as much, and again said she was getting into her nest tonight.  She let M wear her Cookie Monster slippers and lots of other stuff — just really sweet. 
  • When I walked Allie, A wanted to make sure I came back in the front door, like Mommy does, and then M watched me from the living room window, which was really cute.  And the "airplane instruments" are still there, which I think is so great [these are beads that the girls have arranged on the windowsill – they are supposed to be passengers on a plane who are playing instruments.] 


Sandy says:

M’s lining up the letters by color reminds me of a certain person who lines up her sweaters by color, and shoes, (and probably fruit in the refrigerator) ….

Anonymous says:

Loved today’s blog in which both Mommy and Daddy wrote wonderful and interesting things about M and A.

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