Sunday Report – Easter, Candy Land and Scavenger Hunts

Again I apologize for the posting lapses. Almost all of my discretionary time has been claimed of late by the dreaded auction database. Hours and hours of it. Thankfully I am at a stopping point tonight for a few days, so I will hopefully resume normal sleeping hours and have time to blog.

We had a busy weekend. Yesterday – gymnastics, then home for a matzah brei breakfast from Grandpa Ron. Sadly, Ron and Dina hit the road shortly after lunch. The girls and I went to the garden store and then to paint pottery with Karen, Sophie and Violet, who are visiting from NY. We will pick up their painted pottery next week – they made some cute stuff. Then we got ice cream from Haagen Dazs – both girls shockingly picked sorbet!

Sara babysat last night and Daddy and I went out to dinner with some friends. Sara reported that they were playing Candy Land and that M stacked the deck a bit so she'd get the ice cream card, and that M got the ice cream card even after Sara re-shuffled, so A was pretty annoyed. That was the end of Candy Land.

Today, we had a nice day at home. I got this accomplished, which made me happy:





I needed to walk Allie in the middle of the day and Daddy wasn't home, so I wanted to take the girls with me. They weren't enthused about going, so I made a scavenger hunt for them on the walk. A had to find a red tulip, a dog, and a blue car. She found all three, including three dogs (of which Allie was one). M had to find a yellow daffodil, a white car, and a squirrel. Just as we were about to walk up the front steps at the end, we spied a squirrel across the street. She was very happy.

Grampy came over to drop off some adorable Easter baskets from him and Nana. They are so cute. Nana was sick, otherwise we'd have gone over to pick them up. Here are some pics:

Easter1 Easter2 Easter3

Finally, I managed to get in a long bike ride today to my office and back. I am flirting with biking to work, though considering it takes an hour each way, that may not happen very often.


Hours more of auction work tonight… and now it's midnight! Time for bed.

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