I think the girls had a good day today. Playground in the AM, then to the zoo with Grandma Sandy and Imogene, and then to the pool with me after work (for only an hour, sadly). It was kind of cool today, compared to earlier this week, so I didn't go in the water. I need to be REALLY hot before I will go in the water.
On the way home from the pool, we stopped at Petsmart to restock the fish tank. We got 4 more neon tetras and a new Lemon, plus a lot of treats for Allie.
I love when the girls are off from camp and school. Everything is just more relaxed. Yesterday they had two playdates – Jessie in the AM and Lily in the afternoon.
Meanwhile, I got this email from the Sunday School coordinator yesterday:
I hope you are having a nice summer. I’m writing to you with a strange question (and feel free to say no). I’m beginning to do class placements for 2nd grade and we have decided to add a class in order to keep class sizes down. A and M are clearly the most requested friends on every girls list (which is wonderful that they are so well liked). However, it is making our class placements challenging since we cannot have a class of 18 girls! So I’m wondering if you would be open to putting the girls in different classes, but still giving them both several of their friends. This would help us divide up the classes more evenly. It’s just a thought I’m playing with and wanted to know how you felt about it before I went too far into my thinking.
Speaking of Sunday School, I forgot to include these report cards that I got earlier this month (these comments cover the spring):
M: "I am very impressed by how well M interacts with all the girls while still being close to her sister. She is social and smart and an overall lovely student."
A: "A's hand is often up during class time. She has ready answers and an enthusiasm for learning. Her many friends in the class must enjoy enjoy her sweet nature as much as I do."
Every mother should have such problems!
xx, Debbie
How proud you parents must be to have two such beautiful, lovely, and intelligent daughters. They seem to enjoy just about everything. Give them a BIG hug from me.
Aunt Ann
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