We got the following progress reports from the girls' Sunday School teacher today in the mail.
A appears to enjoy music very much and joins readily in discussions. She plays with a large group of girls while still having a connection with M and nobody feels excluded. She has an amazing ability to stay focused even when her sister tries to steal her attention!
M seems to really enjoy music. She gets along so well with all the other girls while still enjoying her sister. She is affectionate with A while also enjoying herself sometimes by tickling or "poking" her while A is trying to concentrate. She never takes it too far, though, and always does it with a little grin!
Hmmm. I wonder if she has the girls reversed in her mind…
We discovered a new iPad game tonight – Angry Birds. Now I understand the hype.
I am going on a trip tomorrow for a few days. Headed to Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show. I am excited to go, because I love Vegas and CES, but I am really, really sad about leaving the girls!! M asked me to cancel the trip when I told her about it. 🙁 I haven't been traveling much at all lately and it has been nice to be home. Hopefully I won't lose any money when I am there.
I will try to post from Vegas. OH – update on our NY Resolution – we were the first ones in line AGAIN today. Ms. Paul was so pleasantly surprised when she saw M standing there – she was very encouraging and appreciative! Let's see if we can do it again tomorrow.
What a wonderful, newsy blog. I love it. It’s so interesting to read about A and M’s activities and behavior. They are such lovable girls, very beautiful and very clever.
Aunt Ann
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