Sunday School Report Cards

I had to share these adorable report cards that the girls got from their Sunday School teacher.


Teacher’s Comments (Fall):  When I ask the students to try to figure out what I am saying in Hebrew, M is often the first one with her hand up.  She is not afraid to express her ideas or get the answer wrong.  She plays well with all of her classmates and works hard during learning activities.  M enjoys sharing information during circle time and loves to relate our conversations to her family. 

Teacher’s Comments (Spring):  M is a wonderful student with a big heart.  Her helpful and loving nature make her a good friend.  During a conversation about Mitzvot one Sunday, M said that one of the best Mitzvot you could do is be nice to your sister.  M demonstrates this Mitzvah each week as she makes sure her sister has a place to sit or enough to eat for snack.  This is one of the most heartwarming things I see each week.


Teacher’s Comments (Fall): A is a sweet student who stands out for her ability to have fun while also learning. A is an active participant in music and is often the first student to begin singing a new song with me. A is not afraid to try new things and engages in all activities whole heartedly.  A has excellent recall for stories I have told the class and is able to make connections between concepts we have learned.

Teacher’s Comments (Spring): A is a bright student with a thirst for understanding.  Throughout the year A has piped up with questions about G-d such as "but where is he?" or "If he is everywhere then are we breathing him?"  Her questions often spark class discussions during snack time and pull other students into following her thoughts.  I can only hope this wonderful curiosity continues in her as she grows.

And here are some more photos from the beach:





Pat Burke says:

I love reading your blogs and feel like I really “know” you and the girls! The last picture here is great! I hope to get to DC and spend a little time with you Mom and see you sometime in the foreseeable future.
You are a WONDERFUL, LOVING family!!!

a says:

How proud Mom and Dad must be of those lovely, talented and thoughtful girls. Their report cards are exceptionally wonderful. The photos are lovely. Thank you for all of it.
Your proud and loving,
Aunt Ann

Len says:

It’s so cool to read that both girls are unafraid to jump in and try things! What a great reflection on the example Mommy & Daddy provide. 🙂

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