Sunday Swim

Today the girls had a pretty fun day – pancake breakfast; then a few hours at Grandma Sandy's house where they played the piano, had a cursive lesson, and spoke lots of igPay atinLay; then swimming at the gym with Daddy; and now a sleepover at Emily's house. I asked them to call me before they went to bed to say goodnight. They didn't call. Sad Mommy, but I hope it's because they are having a great time!

I have developed a terrible rash that pregnant women get called PUPPP. It is rather miserable. And sadly there is nothing that can be done about it. Most women get it in their ninth month and it only goes away when the baby is born. I got it at 23 weeks… really hoping I don't have 3 more months of it. I have tried a lot of things and nothing is really helping. The girls have been very sweet about it and keep trying to help, either scratching my back or rubbing bananas on me.

Here are some more pictures from last weekend:









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