Sunday Wrapup

I haven't posted for a few days – we've had a lot going on here. It was Yom Kippur, so Daddy and I went out to dinner Friday night with the Kohn-Murphy's and Koppel-Pollack's. We went to services with the girls on Saturday AM and then came home for a few hours. The girls had their first ballet rehearsal as snow angels in the evening, which they loved. They said that they are the shortest snow angels, and that they have a lot of stage time.

After rehearsal we went to the annual break-fast at the Flyers' house, where Grandma Sandy was. It is always a nice time. M beat Daddy and me at air hockey – very impressive.

Today was a jam-packed day. No Sunday School, so we went out for a lovely brunch and ran a few errands, including getting a new crate for upstairs for Lucky. Then the girls had a birthday party, and then the book club meeting for Because of Winn-Dixie. It was a small gathering, since most girls were out of town. Dinner tonight and then Project Runway, and a late bedtime since the girls don't have work tomorrow.

Lucky has his first vet appointment tomorrow. I am excited to bring him in.

The girls have been beyond adorable all weekend. So many cute statements, and they've been very helpful and sweet. Lucky is so cute, and is really bonding with the girls.

Busy week ahead, but no travel and hopefully lots of time at home. M has a baseball game tomorrow which I am going to try to make it to.

Back to work!

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