Super Bowl Sunday

Daddy did the lion's share this weekend, since I went to NY for my friend Tracy's son's bar mitzvah (which was a lot of fun – hi Hayley and Tracy!). I left yesterday morning and returned home at 2 today. Here is what happened while I was gone:

  • Ballet class
  • Errands with Daddy and N
  • Playdate at Julia's house
  • Pizza at home
  • Movie – Night at the Museum 2
  • Sunday School, including a mock shiva/funeral that Daddy had to take N to
  • A dressing up like Yenta from Fiddler on the Roof:


Tonight was the Super Bowl. It was a rout. We were rooting for the Hawks (yay Deb and Jonathan and Olivia and Ben!).

1 comment

Tracy says:

Thanks for coming! It was so great to have you there.
Tracy and Hayley

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