T-minus 2 Days

Today, A woke up with a stomach ache. I sent her to school anyway, since I had a doctor's appointment and then bloodwork at the hospital in the morning, and Imogene had an eye doctor's appointment, so no one could stay home with her. I got a call from the school at 10:30 that she was in the nurse's office, and then another one at 1:30. So Imogene went to get her and brought her home. When I got home at 2:30, she was sound asleep on the couch. I am glad that she got some rest. The school nurse thinks that A is anxious about the baby and not actually sick, which I am not surprised about.

M came home after school, and she was supposed to do one page of her math workbook. She spent the last 5 hours doing almost the whole math book! I can't believe it! Well, I can, actually.

The girls have been so sweet to me these last few days- lots of hugs and kisses, lots of "I love you so much, Mommy"s. That has really helped ease my anxiety this week. I have the two best girls in the world. And soon I will have a wonderful boy too!!

The doctor said that all looks OK. No dilation or thinning, so we are on for Friday! I have to be there at 11:30, and my OB will meet me there at 1:30 for the surgery. He thinks the baby will be out around 3:30 or 4. Nana and Grandma Sandy will bring the girls to the hospital around 3.

Tomorrow I pick up the new car and run my last errands, etc. It's hard to be standing up much so I don't expect that a lot will be accomplished! Luckily there is not much more to do.


1 comment

Lisa says:

Thinking about you! Enjoy your last day as a mother of two. 🙂

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