T Minus Two Days

Tonight, M decided to forego books so that she could help me pack. She also decided, while I was grilling dinner outside, that she wanted to sweep the back patio. She loves to be in motion, getting things accomplished. (Wonder where she got that from?) A, meanwhile, climbed into the large duffel bag that I was about to pack clothes in and hid from me – very clever.

Today I had to fill out a million school forms for M & A’s school for next year. Most of it is just repeating phone numbers and contact info and pediatrician’s names and allergies. But here’s the good stuff:

What activities most interest your child?

A: Ballet! Dancing, painting, drawing, reading. Doesn’t like board games as much (hates losing). Puzzles, crafts, climbing, swinging, gymnastics.

M: Puzzles, books, drawing/painting, scooter, bike, dancing, arts and crafts.

What are some of the qualities you appreciate most in your child?

A: She is creative, exuberant, smart, imaginative. She’s a non-linear thinker and sees the world in such a clever, original way. She’s very sweet most of the time. Loves animals.

M: She is cheerful, smart, loving, sweet, logical, considerate, diligent and mature.

What are some of the qualities you find most challenging?

A: She can be stubborn and moody. Tantrums are gone but she sometimes just won’t cooperate. She’s also very dramatic and a bit manipulative.

M: She can be stubborn and a little bossy.

Does your child have any fears that you are aware of?

A: Loud noises, separation from parents.

M: Loud noises, anything remotely scary on TV or in movies.

What is your child’s characteristic response to frustration? Anger?

A: Crying, giving up, dramatic statements.

M: Tears, occasionally throwing something, telling person that she is mad at them.

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