Take Your Kid to Work Day and Ballet Gala

Fun – though LONG – day today.

The girls came to work with me for Take Your Kids To Work Day. In the morning, we checked them in and got them breakfast, and then they went to a live animal demonstration. There was an anaconda snake (?), baby monkey, and an owl, among others. A in particular liked the demonstration.

After that was done, I picked them up and we got lunch and ate it in my office. The girls got to spend time with their faves Christina and Kristen, which they enjoyed. Kristen introduced them to a Cake Boss game on the computer, which they both played.

At 2, I returned them to the main room where they had a science demonstration that M particularly liked. I picked them up at 4, and they got popcorn and a cupcake and a stuffed animal. Not a bad day!

We left work early so that I could get them home and changed and ready for the gala. Imogene met us at home and put braids in their hair and helped me get them out the door. We headed downtown and I dropped them off at the Mellon Auditorium at 6. It turned out to be more complicated to find the other dancers, with lots of walking around the place. I got to see some of the dancers rehearsing, which was fun, and the place was set up beautifully. Finally we got the girls where they needed to be, and I left. The flamingos were the only kids that performed tonight – the rest were just greeters. And Nana and Grampy were there and got to see them dance again, and they were able to introduce them to people they knew. Grampy walked the girls out afterwards and met me at the car around 9.

So it was a long day, but fun. A had a bit of a meltdown on the way home – I think she is very tired.

Tomorrow the girls are going on a field trip to Rock Creek Park where they are going to do some cleanup and nature exploration. I hope the weather is good.

And Daddy comes home tomorrow night, not a moment too soon. I need him home!!

Saturday is the girls' birthday party!!

Will sign off with a few more drawings of the Alice costumes:

Big Card:



Mad Hatter:



Tweedledee and Tweedledum:


More tomorrow!

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