TAR/Survivor Premiere Date

Today was a very highly anticipated day in the house – the long-awaited premiere of Survivor and The Amazing Race. N was VERY excited. We didn't even get to the Republican debate. Survivor turned out to be a little underwhelming (someone quit so no one was voted off) but the season looks good. N is doing the sheet again where he keeps track of how much airtime each player gets so that he can predict the winner.

N's dogwalking gig is over. He took Piper out 8 times over the last several days. He was so diligent and patient and kind to her. He made $40 plus another $5 for walking H one day in there too.

I finished this puzzle, which I LOVED, mostly bc I made it very challenging by only allowing myself to do one full square at a time. Much harder that way. IMG_5606 2

Dad and I are gong up to NY tomorrow for the Clooney Foundation Gala! And then we see M this weekend! Yay!


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