Tears at Camp

A is not happy about camp. Today, she started saying, as we approached camp, that she didn’t want to go, that she wanted to go home. She got increasingly more upset once we got there. It got to the point that I had to peel her off of me in order to leave. Very distressing. I went back home to get my car, and Buppie drove by, and I convinced her to come back to the school with me to make sure that A wasn’t still crying. She warned me that I was playing with fire; that if A saw me, she wouldn’t let me leave again. Luckily, A didn’t see me. I saw one of her counselors, who said that she was much better. And M saw me and came over and gave me a kiss. Whew!

They don’t like eating lunch at camp – they much prefer eating at home. So I told them tonight that Imogene could come get them early and they could skip lunchtime. That seemed to make A happier.

They were very cute and cuddly tonight. Such good girls. Daddy bought tickets for a ballet at Wolf Trap on Saturday and they are VERY excited.

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