Telling Time

We had another great playdate today with M and A’s dear friends O and A (again, using initials for privacy). The kids all lunched alfresco in the backyard and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Here are some photos, which also include O’s nanny, E.

Playdate1 Playdate2

Today, the girls put on some little plastic watches that I bought a while ago, which don’t have hands on them (only little metal balls that roll around). They kept telling me what time it is all day – looking at their wrists and shouting, "It’s 5:15!" or "It’s 14 and a half!" or it’s "11 to 8." Very cute.

A has been singing the Oscar the Grouch song. "I Love Trash!" all day. ("I love anything dirty or dingy or dusty…"). She also decided she wants to be Oscar the Grouch for Halloween. M wants to be a kangaroo.

I bought the girls a lot of fall clothes today. Very very cute. I saw A going through the pile after dinner and saying, "Look at these pajamas – aren’t they SO cute?"

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