Thank God… It’s Friday

It is the end of a long week, and an even longer day. It is a pleasure to be at home with the girls. They are officially on Spring Break! Yay! That means:

  • no lunches next week
  • no homework next week
  • hooky day on Monday where I take the girls to the waterpark
  • hooky day on Friday where Daddy does something with the girls
  • Passover and visit to Pennsylvania
  • playdates
  • piano practice
  • catch up on TV shows that we're behind on
  • lots of Alice rehearsals

Tonight, A really wanted us to watch Alice in Wonderland, the TIm Burton/Johnny Depp version. They've already seen it but they wanted us to watch it. I am surprised they like it so much because it is definitely scary! But they enjoy picking out the characters from the ballet, including the flamingoes.

I tried to scan some of A's homework today, including a page like one of M's from the blog from a few days ago about meaningful songs, but the scanner wasn't working. I will do it next week.

Another update: for MONTHS I have been intending to go through photos and catch up on photo albums. And for MONTHS I have put it off. I was going to finish it before Thanksgiving, then before New Years, but first trimester exhaustion made it impossible. Then, we renovated the den, and I started working on the nursery. Well, I am happy to report that THREE photo albums later, I am caught up to January 2012. I was SO behind – hadn't put photos in since April 2011. That's pretty bad for me. But I am almost caught up, and have ordered pics through March 2012 (today). And I have started new individual albums for the girls are those are caught up through the end of last summer – I just need to add a few more pictures to them from last fall. Then update the frames in the house and I am caught up. Whew.

Weekend plans…  ballet (no rehearsal), baseball practice, and BUNK BEDS!


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