Thank God We Made It To Friday

The girls' reports and test went all well today. Yay! I dropped them off and picked them up so that I could help carry in bottles and posters.

I remembered the funny thing about N from last night. We are trying to get him to say MAD-DIE. He says "Mommy" to mean Maddie and "AKA" to mean Alexa, but we want him to say Maddie. I ask him to say "Ma" and "Dee" and "Ma" and "Dee" and "Ma" and "Dee" – and he does, over and over – and then when I ask him to say "Maddie" he says "Mommy". It's very cute.

I came across this post about the girls when they were only 4 (February 2008):

So, Are They Alike?

People ask me all the time if M&A are alike, or if they are opposites. The answer, of course, is neither. They are different girls. They are similar in some ways, and different in many others, just like most siblings are.

Here are some insights into their personalities, at age 3 3/4.

M is very orderly. She likes things to be in their proper place. She also enjoys doing things like putting away laundry, emptying groceries, organizing things, cleaning up. A is not nearly as interested in, or satisfied by, order and neatness.

A is a better and more adventurous eater, though this hasn't always been the case. She used to eat very little; over the last few months, she has gained more of an appetite and will try most anything. Tonight, she ate asparagus. M's palate is much more limited. Also, she'll eat quickly and be done, while A will linger for a long time over a meal, losing interest and focus several times throughout.

M expressed an earlier interest in letters and spelling than A did, but A has really gotten into writing letters lately, which M has less confidence in.

M is a bit more dominant at home – usually coming up with games to play, generally setting the pace, but we've been told that the opposite is true at school, where A is more dominant.

M wakes up very nicely, with a smile on her face. A takes longer to wake up, and is often cranky in the morning. With A, to borrow a line from the dreaded Forrest Gump, you never know what you're going to get.

A needs less sleep than M, and will stay up later and miss a nap more easily than M will.

A gets easily bothered by things like getting her sleeve caught up her arm under her jacket, while things like that don't really bother M. M, however, is more particular about what she'll wear.

M likes the bathtub cooler than A does.

Both girls love to dance. A is obsessed with ballet, while M is more into rock-n-roll dancing.

M is completely potty trained; A still wears a pull-up at night.

When we go somewhere new, sometimes M is more shy, and sometimes A is more shy.

Next week, this may all be different..

1 comment

Debbie says:

Gayle — loved this! It’s amazing how early one can see a personality develop!!

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