Thanksgiving Wrapup

Today is the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. We arrived in NY late Thursday afternoon, just in time for a yummy dinner with Grandma Dina, Grandpa Ron, Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason. Thank you to Dina and Darrah for making such a yummy dinner and working so hard all afternoon. We wish we could have helped more but Daddy's work kept us in DC until 1 PM.

Yesterday, we spent several hours at the Met. In the morning, I was with the girls, and we saw the Arms and Armor exhibit and a special show called American Stories, which had paintings of everyday life in America from 1765-1915. I loved it. Lots of good American history insights. The girls did pretty well with it too – I tried to make it fun by asking lots of questions about the paintings and reading what the exhibit said about them. Around 1, we met up with Daddy, Ron and Dina and had lunch on Madison Avenue. After a quick pitstop in a delicious Madison Ave. bakery, we went back to the museum and saw the Egyptian exhibit and Temple of Dendur.

Then it was off to Brooklyn for dinner with Darrah and Jason at a local pizza place that is very, very popular and quite yummy. We had apple pie (half off at the bakery!) for dessert at D&J's very cozy apartment, and then headed back to Brooklyn. The girls were BEAT – both fell asleep before we got home, and A barely woke up when we got her into bed and put her in her PJs.

Now it's Saturday. The girls are playing with Dina, Daddy is working, and I am blogging! Soon: a morning bath for the girls. We are driving back to DC after dinner tonight to beat the traffic.

I wish everyone reading P&B a very happy holiday!

1 comment

a says:

Love this blog. It’s so newsy and everyone had such a great time in New York. Thanks for sharing.
Aunt Ann

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