The Artist

N LOVES doing art. So often during the day, he will sit down at the white table and do a project, without asking for help or needing a prompt. Today, he had a few of us trace our hands, then he colored them in, and then on the back he wrote "DADDY HAND WRITING" etc. He has also been cutting out a lot of shapes, and today he made a heart Valentine for Dina, the girls' Hebrew tutor, who was here. It is so cute to watch him draw and cut and write letters all on his own initiative. I was going to take photos of them but he wants me to wait until he does A's and his.

Today we went to look at a few open houses. By the end, N was holding Jamie (our agent)'s hand, and asking him whether the house we'd just seen was "a ding or a berm". I got a text from Jamie after we finished up asking whether he could adopt N.

The kids and I went to Lafayette to play soccer this afternoon too (it was 68 degrees!). We played on the new Lafayette field – so nice.


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