The Ballerina’s Perspective

On Saturday, I asked M to take some pictures of the process of getting ready for the Nutcracker. Since I can't go backstage to where they get ready, I sent her with her camera. She took some excellent – and very interesting – pictures. I am very impressed with her for taking them while she was getting ready (or asking someone else to). Here they are:

M's ballet 011 

M's ballet 012 

M's ballet 017 

M's ballet 018 

M's ballet 022 

M's ballet 024 

M's ballet 025 

M's ballet 026 

M's ballet 027 

M's ballet 028 

M's ballet 030 

M's ballet 031 

M's ballet 033 

M's ballet 034 

M's ballet 035 

M's ballet 036 

M's ballet 037 

M's ballet 038 


Sandra Schrut says:

Bravo, Maddie! These are really interesting and informative photos!
From another photographer,
Grandma Sandy

a says:

These photos are wonderful. Maddie did a very professional job. I thank her (and you) for sending them to me. I learned a great deal.
The girls looks great in their costumes. Thanks again.
Aunt Ann

KV says:

wow very impressive! can’t wait to see them in action tonight!

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