The Calm Before the Storm

This was our last weekend before the Captain arrives. We made the most of it!! It was gorgeous and sunny and dry. Yesterday we went shopping for Daddy. I had bought him some Father's Day presents and we went back to the Gap and exchanged everything I bought for different sizes. He got some great stuff and looks very cute. Then M had a baseball practice and A and I hung out at home. My friend Karen was in from NY and she came over for a visit. We were like three women hanging out in the backyard chatting. Eventually A got the computer and played computer games while Karen and I talked. It was fun.

After M's practice, she and Daddy ran some errands (including buying some tablecloths and plates for the bris) came home and then I took the girls over to Natalie's house for a slumber party. It was a very nice group of girls at the party and they had a good time. Daddy and I had our last date night for a while. We went out for a casual, late dinner and had a nice, mellow night.

Today I picked up the girls at the party and could tell immediately that M was very tired. She was a bit of a crankpot all day – she doesn't do well with not enough sleep. She was much less rational and even-keeled than usual. We went to Grampy's for a swim and to celebrate Nana's birthday, and then went to M's baseball game. This was the last one I will be able to go to, sadly. But M did a great job and had 2 strong hits. She also won "Fielder of the Game".

After the game, we came home. I was having tons of strong contractions, so I tried, somewhat successfully, to stay off my feet. We did some origami from the kit we got from Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Deb, and we finished our next book club book (Frindle), and M helped me go through the hospital packing list and make sure that I have everything ready to go. She was very helpful! We got the nursery totally ready (see pics below!) and did some other little things around the house.

The girls fell asleep very quickly tonight – so not surprising. Slumber parties are great for the night that they are out, but boy is the hangover tough. (Though to A's credit, she was very sunny today.)

So here are some new pics.

38 week belly shot:


Here is Daddy wearing one of his new shirts before we went out:


Here are pics of the girls after M's game today:



And here's the Captain's nursery! There are a few things that will go elsewhere eventually, like the moses basket, but here it how it looks:







1 comment

Lisa says:

Happy last week before your new addition arrives — you look great!

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