“The Fairy and the Good Queen”

I went to NY for the world's shortest trip today (arrived at 1:50P and was on the 4:34 back home). Thanks to Grandma Sandy for picking the girls up at camp.

Tonight the girls put on a show for me and Daddy – "The Fairy and the Good Queen". It involved multiple costume changes for the Good Queen (M), including a sundress with Blankie as a wrap, her bar mitzvah dress, and one of the Spanish dresses. It also involved a long dance solo by the Fairy (A), and the Fairy encouraging the Queen to become a fairy, and a ball in the evening. The most memorable song, lyrics-wise, was "There's a ball tonight! There's a ball tonight!".

M&A brought some cute paper/cardboard animals home from camp today. One is named Bella, and one is named Brownie's Friend. I will take photos.

In the meantime, our kitchen was dismantled today. When M woke up this morning, she said, "I want to say goodbye to the kitchen." Then she said she gave the kitchen some kisses. (She also said, "Don't put that on the blog!")

Here's how the kitchen looked yesterday morning:

K1 K2 K3 K4


(Cute dog! Love the pink. Not.)  

 And here's how the kitchen looks right now.



I have more pics to upload from Levine Camp, but will wait until I am not so tired!


Can’t wait to see the finished product. Don’t forget you def want an under-mount sink!

a says:

Good luck with your kitchen renovation. It’s really something to go through. (Jan just had her whole kitchen “done”. Grandma Sandy can tell you about it.) M and A are so cute to throw kisses at the “old” kitchen. And Allie is adorable watching everything. It was fun reading about the “The Fairy and the Good Queen”. So cute.
Aunt Ann

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