The Girls’ Birthday

First of all – today is N's 11-month birthday! He is almost a year old!! I will do his monthly status post tomorrow.

Here is what happened yesterday, May 7.

The girls got up and we took their photos in bed, like we always do. I posted those photos yesterday.

Then Daddy made them breakfast in bed. On the menu: Cheerios and orange juice and strawberries, with azaleas picked from the front yard in vases on the trays.

Here they are on the way to school:


Then it was off to school. Here is M in her classroom waiting for the morning announcement about her birthday:


Here is A in her classroom:


Here is a video of the announcement:


And then A had art class, which I volunteered at:


A got this sweet note from Ms. Powell:


At the end of the day, the girls had celebrations in their classrooms. M brought blondies, which were a big hit, and A brought cupcakes, which were also a big hit. And THIS IS THE CUTEST THING: after I picked up the girls, they wanted to go to find EVERY teacher they've had so far at Lafayette and give them blondies. So we found Ms. Baldwin, Ms. Paul, Ms. Haigler, Ms. Nickel and Mrs. Cobb in their classrooms and delivered them blondies. It was so sweet.

We came home and the girls got ready for ballet. Grandma Sandy came over to wish them happy birthday and then took them to ballet.  They didn't want to go to ballet, but we made them go. After ballet, Daddy picked them up, along with takeout from Cactus Cantina. We had dinner at home and Nana and Grampy came over to wish them happy birthday too. They also talked on the phone to the entire extended Feldman family (Shohola, Brooklyn and Seattle contingents), and then opened presents.

They love their iPad Nanos.


What did they think of their birthday?


All in all it was a great day!

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