The Greatest Show on Earth

What. A. Weekend.

Birthday parties: 2. Abigail’s – a moonbounce in her backyard, only girls from the class. Lily’s – gymnastics, whole class. Gifts: Abigail: Brown Bear What Do You See board game; Lily: Toobers and Zots.

Classes: Gymnastics and Creative Movement.

Special Events: THE CIRCUS! Very fun – lots to see. Acrobats, elephants, lions, horses, dancing dogs, human cannonballs, tightrope walkers, clowns. Despite the fact that the girls had their fingers in their ears the whole time, I think they really enjoyed it. The test will be how often they bring it up in the coming days and talk about what they saw.

Buppie babysat night so we could go out to dinner with the parents of the Aidans (new and old).

Lots of funny moments all weekend, lots of time wih the girls. On the way home from the circus, we were pretending to make lots of phone calls. They "called" me, I "called" them, they "called" each other. Then they wanted me to "call" my friend Lisa from work. Here’s how the "conversation" went: "Hi Lisa… How are you?… That’s good… Yes, we’re on the way back from the circus… Yeah, it was great… What?… Really?… A cotton candy machine?… And The Wiggles will be there?… And Clifford?… And ice cream sandwiches?… And we’ll watch movies?… Sure, that sounds great. Ok, see you tomorrow."  The girls said, "What was that about?" And I said, "I’m just talking to Lisa about what we’re going to do at work tomorrow." They were intrigued.

OK, it’s 10 PM and I am beat. Great weekend!


Lisa says:

I know ice cream sandwiches, cotton candy, and movies would all add a lot to my work day – great ideas! I’m not completely sure about Clifford & The Wiggles, but I’m sure I can be convinced.

Anonymous says:

Wow! What a busy time, friends, parties, circus, pretend games
with Mommy and Buppie baby sitting. How wonderful!

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