The Hits Keep Coming

Lots of funny lines from the girls today.

  • Aunt Darrah was swimming and said to us, "I have lost so much muscle." M said back, "I have lost so much muscle too." We all laughed. Then M shouted, "I have no idea what you are saying!!"
  • We went for a drive today, and M said, "I think tomorrow, you should go buy a new car."
  • Daddy told M that she had chocolate on her face and that it looked cute. Then A said, "I have chocolate on my face too." [She didn’t.] "See, it’s here. And it’s cute."
  • M said, stroking my arm in the car, "You’re not a bad mommy."
  • A asked who was going to sit in the front when we went out for a drive. I told her that Jason and Daddy would be in the front, that I would sit between the girls, and that Aunt Darrah would sit in the back with Allie. A said, "Daddy will drive, because he’s smart."

The girls also spent a lot of time playing "Mommy and Baby" today, which included, in part, M "taking A’s temperature" by putting her finger dangerously close to A’s tushie. Thankfully Daddy put an end to that part of the game.

A is now discussing how the ice cream truck has songs that "move" (change) and that one of them is "All Around the Mulberry Bush."

We are having a lot of fun with Aunt Darrah and Jason.


Anonymous says:

The girls are so smart and so cute. Thanks for th Blog.

rachel says:

i still hace no clue about this ann

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