The Long Weekend in Numbers

Days since I was last at work: 4

Fireworks displays seen: 2

Approximate number of minutes by which the Chevy Chase Club fireworks exceeded the Mall fireworks: 10

Times the girls went swimming: 3

Birthday parties attended: 1

Playdates arranged: 1

Amount of hair cut from A's head, prompting complaints of too much being taken off: 1/2 inch

Loads of laundry done: 4

Belated birthday presents received: 1 – a badminton set, used last night

Summer reading list books read by M&A: 6 – Jane and the Beanstalk, Sid and Sam, Goldilocks Returns, Kate and the Beanstalk, and 2 Amelia Bedelia books.

Hip Hop moves learned: 2

Hip Hop moves practiced since class: 0

Here are some photos from the parade this weekend:


Parade3 Parade4 Parade5 Parade6 Parade7

1 comment

a says:

What a busy time! Love the beautiful photos of all of you. Everyone looks so happy. Thanks for sharing this.
Aunt Ann

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