Wecome to the M & A Blog!

Hello, and welcome. This blog is devoted to my two 3-year old girls, who are twins and whose names start with M and A. I am using initials for privacy – you never know who’s out there reading. (Though if you’ve found your way to this blog, you probably know who they are!).

So why start another blog? I have had a lot of fun with my first one (the one about fiction), and I have realized that for me, it’s a really easy way to write.  And it bothers me that every day M & A do something really funny or cute or memorable, and I say to myself, "you have to write this down," and I don’t. So here’s an easy way to do it. Some day, I can click on "Archives" and print out a little diary of their early years. I just wish I had started it when they were born.

And for those of you who don’t see M & A every day, it’s a good way to keep you in the loop.

So here we are. If you’d like to get this blog every time I update it, just subscribe to it in the box at the right that says "Get email updates".  You’ll get an email every time the site gets updated. Also, a word on the name of the blog, Piggy and Bunny (http://piggyandbunny.typepad.com) – those are A’s little blankets that she sleeps with every night. I thought it would be a memorable blog name that didn’t actually include the girls’ names in it.

To start off the blog, here’s a really cute photo that Great-Aunt Tequila took while passing through town last week.  (Click on it to enlarge it).
