The Real Kindergarden Twins of Washington DC

I think sometimes the P&B blog makes it sound like things are always lightness and joy here in our house. And while that is sometimes the case, no one in this house is perfect, and we have plenty of days that are more trying than inspiring.

This morning, A and M both wanted to wear the same outfit – a black shirt we bought over the weekend at a consignment store with black leggings. M asked first this morning, though both girls had made noise about wanting to wear that outfit on Monday. Once A learned that M was wearing it, she had a fit this morning. She cried and cried and wouldn't entertain the idea of wearing something else. It was already a rushed morning trying to get everyone out the door, so it wasn't a good scene here from about 7:45 -8:40. (I am proud to report that we did squeak in under the wire right before school started, so we didn't have to go sign in at the office.)

Then, tonight, M spilled A's milk all over the floor and knocked over a carefully set up crayon box, and later, while I was trying to interview a potential babysitter, A fell off her chair where the girls were doing homework. Lots more tears.

So things do go wrong around here.

1 comment

a says:

Sometimes things get difficult in every household, and someday you will look back and laugh at all of it. But for now it isn’t easy. Somehow I feel mommy and daddy know just how to handle problems. M and A are darling girls and will work things out between the two of them. They are so adorable.
Aunt Ann

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