The Return of Clarabelle

Today I picked the girls up at school and told them that I had a number of surprises. They were:

  • balloons within balloons from Trader Joe's
  • new library books, including Tabitha's Terrifically Tough Tooth in honor of M's wiggly tooth and a number of Halloween books
  • the pottery pieces the girls painted at Maya's birthday party a few weeks ago (by which both girls were decidedly underwhelmed)

  • AND… the return of Clarabelle!!!!!! I found the missing dog today when cleaning up the girls' room. It has been moths since we've seen her – she went missing the day M was supposed to take her for Show Tell and Share. I ended up replacing Clarabelle at the Detroit Airport last May, which is where she came from, so there are now two Clarabelles. Tonight, M gave the second Clarabelle to A – she said, "Here, A, you've earned Clarabelle." I am still not suer what A did to "earn" Clarabelle but she seemed honored.  Oh, and where was Clarabelle? In a little suitcase in their room. M has no recollection of putting her there the morning she was supposed to take her to TSNS – I guess she was hoping to let Clarabelle ride in style.

After school the girls did a lot of play-doh, and Buppie came over for piano lesson. I say lesson singular, because M opted out.

Tonight I had a hard time getting the girls down for some reason. They just wouldn't go to sleep. Last I checked, M was sleeping in A's bed with her – I am going to go look now (11:45P) and see if she is still there. If so, I will move her before one of them falls out.

Good week at school. Girls really enjoy it, though they say that the homework is too easy. Hopefully it will get harder soon!

Update 11:56 PM – both girls are still in A's bed. Didn't have the heart to move M.

1 comment

a says:

Mommy, you are such a sweet and considerate mother. No wonder the girls adore you. How kind and thoughtful M and A are to each other.
I guess M needed a little vacation from piano lessons. She will want a lesson next time. It’s so great that Buppie can teach them since she plays piano so beautifully. Love to all of you.
Aunt Ann

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