The Sun’ll Come Out… Tomorrow

I got back from Houston last night, and it was great to see everyone at home. The girls and Daddy had a busy day yesterday – ballet (for the first time in a month!), then a birthday party for Julia Sherman, and then to Frank's house for pizza. The girls had a late night! When I got home, we went through all of the Valentines they got from their classmates. NO ONE made homemade Valentines as nice as the girls' Valentines. There were lots of store-bought Valentines, and a few were handmade, but not as elaborate as M&A's.

A got a Valentine from a boy in her class (not the one who says all the weird things to her) that says "I love you" on it.  M's from the same boy did NOT say "I love you" on it. I pointed that out to A, who said, "Yeah, John is in love with me, but I am not in love with him.  Are you going to put that on the blog?"

The boy who always says the stuff to A also gave her a nice Valentine, with lots of hearts on it.

Today, we saw Emily in her school production of "Annie". She played Miss Pugh. We loved seeing her in the show. A gave her lots of waves from the second row, which Emily tried not to smile at. The girls love "Annie" and the songs and they had a lot of fun. We went with Nana and Grampy and also sat with Hannah and Andrew and Sarah.

They also went back to sunday school for the first time in weeks. Next week is Purim.

The first full week of school in ages starts tomorrow… at least as of today!


a says:

It looks like things are getting “back to normal” again. I see that all of you enjoyed Valentine’s Day with all those great Valentines. I showed off M and A’s beautiful Valentines. All my neighbors enjoyed them too. I think all the boys in M and A’s class must love those girls. How could they help it. My love to all of you.
Aunt Ann

Len says:

I’m very impressed that A understands the nature of blog sharing. Now if I could just wrap my head around that with Lisa’s blog…

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