We have had a very fun three-day weekend, with lots of activities. The whole Feldman family was in town this weekend (minus Uncle Jonathan, Ben and Olivia). There was a dinner for Ron on Friday night, celebrating the award that he won at the Society for Social Work Research. The dinner was at the St. Regis's restaurant downtown (adults only) and we had a lovely time and toasted Grandpa Ron on his achievements.

On Saturday we had everyone at the house for lunch, though the girls were at a birthday party, and Saturday night we went to another nice dinner downtown, with kids this time. It was a fancy place and dinner went late, but all three granddaughters behaved beautifully. M&A dressed up in fancy clothes and wore my jewelry and even some eyeshadow. They had a great time and were very helpful in entertaining Sydney.

Sunday, Aunt Deb left early, and Grandpa Ron and Grandma Dina came over to spend a few more hours with the girls while Daddy worked on cleaning out his den. After they left, we had taco night at home and then watched the Golden Globe Awards. The girls stayed up til the very end. (!)

Today was a special day. All four of us went to the ultrasound appointment to see how the Captain is developing in my belly. He looks great! Everything looks normal and he made the sonographer laugh at one point by literally pointing to his leg, as if to say, "Yep, here's my leg!" Unfortunately, he had his hands in front of his face the whole time and we never got a great look at his profile.

After the appointment we went to the lighting store (fruitless) and then to the baby store, where we got Captain a new crib and a carseat. Gotta love the Buy Buy Baby coupons.

I have pictures to share from the ultrasound (they gave us our pictures on a disc) and the weekend – will upload them tomorrow. Our house is in disarray because we are having hardwood floors installed in the den and will put in built-in bookshelves and a desk in in 2 weeks. The room already looks SO much better. I have before and after pictures of the den to upload too. The best part is that the disgusting rug that both Allie and Lucky used as a puppy pad has been removed from our house.

Busy week ahead!

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