The Weekend By The Numbers

I had to take a late shuttle to NY tonight, so I am typing from a hotel room amidst the flashing and lights of Times Square. I uploaded a bunch of recent pics and will share them over the next few days.

Here's the weekend by the numbers:

Hours the girls spent in ballet class or rehearsal: 5

Baby namings attended: 1

Pumpkins purchased: 6

Healthy food eaten at pumpkin place: 0

Unhealthy food eaten at pumpkin place: 2 hamburgers, chicken nuggets, 2 orders of fries, BBQ turkey sandwich, pumpkin pie, and caramel apple

Times Lucky has pooped in the house all weekend: 0

Fun visitors in town: Emily

Halloween candy bought today: a lot

Elementary school anniversary party attended today: 1 (mine), with Grandma Sandy

Movies watched: 2 – Judy Moody and the Not-So-Bummer-Summer and Montecarlo. Both were hits.

Here are a few pics -more this week!

Lucky and pumpkins 030

Lucky and pumpkins 022

Lucky and pumpkins 055

Lucky and pumpkins 044

1 comment

Lisa says:

Looks like a great weekend… love pumpkin patches, unhealthy food, and by the numbers. Hope you have a good trip!

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