The Weekend By the Numbers

I haven't done a "By the Numbers" post in a while. Seems like a good day to do one!

Months Natey turned: 20!!! What a cutie.

Birthday parties attended: 2 – Lily's dance party from 7-9 last night and Posey's 2nd birthday today at Gynboree

Favors N got from the party: 4 – a bouncing blue ball, a bottle of bubbles, a balloon on a stick ("Pop!") and an Elmo on a stick

New letters on N's wall: 9 – the NATHANIEL banner he got from Aunt Janet when he was born

Pages in the book we read for book club today: 288 – (Masterpiece by Elise Broach)

Average rating that the book club girls gave to Masterpiece (out of 10): 22

Hours M missed of baseball clinic due to book club: 55

Valentines made by the girls so far: 24 (by A), 4 (by M). They are attaching lollipos ("Pops!" to the back of the cards I printed and cut out on Friday, and writing personalized messages on the back too.

Olympics we've watched: a few hours, maybe. Not a lot.

Firetrucks and firemen on our street today: 3 trucks and lots of men. (No fire that we could see.)

Person who would have appreciated the trucks the most: N, who wasn't home to enjoy them.

Homemade cookies made on Friday night: butterscotch cookies again – delicious

New books for N: First Numbers, which accompanies First Letters, given to him for Hanukah by Tuvana

Good friends of ours who broke a leg on Friday night: 1 – Shirish – poor guy! We are thinking of you.

I will upload pics of the birthday party tomorrow.



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