The Weekend by the Numbers

Hours spent in rehearsal/ballet class: 3.5

Episodes of The Amazing Race watched by us and the girls: 2

Amount of money spent at the consignment sale yesterday: about $150

Amount of money earned at the consignment sale yesterday: about $150

Playdates: 1 (Hannah's house)

New Cinderella shirts bought: 2

Object of N's adoration: Lucky (and Lucky's tags)

Almost 9-month olds who scooted all around the bathroom today while I was showering: 1

New foods tried by N: spaghetti (in inch pieces), greek yogurt/cherry/corn mix

I forgot to mention yesterday that Friday was Imogene's birthday. Here's what we did to celebrate: got her a cake and flowers, gave her a frame with the kids in it and a gift card, and the girls made ADORABLE cards.

Big week ahead – I have to be in NY tomorrow night for work and this weekend I am going to Austin for SXSW so a lot of coordinating.