The Weekend by the Numbers

This has been a busy weekend! I am beat. Here's why:

Ballet classes and rehearsals: 2

Prescription glasses ordered: 1 pair for A, who is farsighted (+2.25/+1.75)

Playdates yesterday: 2 (both as favors to other parents – Emily and Natalie)

M-D book club meetings: 1, for The Doll People

New foods given to N: Rice Krispies

Cupcakes made: 18

Times N has left the house since Thursday: 0 (no wonder he's restless tonight – I would be too!)

A has been a little under the weather, and N hasn't been sleeping well – lots of waking up at night and crying – which is making me more tired than usual. I can't believe the week starts up again tomorrow – ugh.

It's Valentines Day week. M put glitter initials on the Valentines for each of the kids in her combined class (55 kids), which made a huge mess. I told her this is the last year that she can use glitter!

Finally, M has been hounding me forever to read her favorite book, Candymakers. I understand that feeling of wanting people to read books that you love. Here's what was on my bed on Friday night:


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