The Weekend By The Numbers

I am simply too tired to upload pictures at the moment. We have a lot of great ones but I don't think I can motivate to upload them tonight, sadly. Will try for tomorrow. In the meantime, here is a By The Numbers post.

Successful birthday parties: 1

Yummy dinners out: 2 (Blue 44 on Friday night with Grandma Sandy and Cafe Deluxe tonight with Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron)

At bats for M today: 2 (both resulting in singles)

Great presents received from Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron: lots – bat for M, earrings for A (and later a pair for M), and PJs/nightgowns

Plants planted today: 12 impatients, 5 geraniums, 3 dahlias. 7 tomato plants, 2 zucchini, 3 mint and 4 basil.

Activities missed: 2 (ballet class, baseball practice)

Activities not missed: 2 (Sunday School, baseball game)

Approximate number of toppings A put on her YogiBerry tonight: countless

Somewhat disappointing field trips last week: 1, to Rock Creek Park on Friday

Cute beagles in the house who like to snore: 1

It really has been a great weekend. Exhausting but all worked out well and the girls had a really fun party. Now we start the always fun task of… thank you notes! Do twins write separate notes to people who gave them separate gifts, or can they combine? And if people gave them combined gifts? Dilemma.

Ok, too tired to write more.









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