The Weekend By The Numbers

The girls had a jam-packed weekend – si como no!

I will let the numbers tell the story:

Sleepovers: 1, at Grandma Sandy's house on Friday night (thanks Grandma Sandy!)

Nickname for the girls du jour: Pupperoni (also used on Lucky)

Birthday parties: 2 (Guy and Lindsey)

Hours before book club that we finished the book club book: 5 1/2

Girls' rating of our book club book, Betsy Tacy & Tib, on a scale of 1 to 10: 5 (10 being best)

My rating of the book: 4

Number of pages in the book M is reading: 220 – the first in the series of The 39 Clues box set

New nickname for the baby: Captain

Baby fish in the tank now: 4 – total of 10 fish, 5 of whom were born in the tank!

Items purchased from someone from the neighborhood and picked up by M and me today: 1 – baby swing

Average age of the other people in the aqua aerobics class I took yesterday: 75

Lots of cleaning out going on at the house – we are prepping Daddy's study to be refloored and painted so that we can install built-in shelves.

OK, that's our weekend! Back to the grind tomorrow. I head to Vegas on Tuesday for 2 days for CES.

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