The Weekend By The Numbers

Cuteness of Bunky: Off the charts

Names still in contention for Bunky: at least 3 (Charlie, Jake and Trick-or-Treat)

Times Bunky peed in the house over the weekend: 1

Time that Bunky woke up this morning: 8:15, when we woke up

Prized Bunky toys: 1 stuffed duck, courtesy of Animal Planet

VIPs at Daddy's and my dinner last night: 2.

(How V were these VIPs? V, V, V! Michelle and Barack Obama)

Grandparents who facilitated our great evening last night: 3 – Grandma Sandy, who babysat, and Nana and Grampy, who sent us a bottle of champagne at the restaurant

Number of 7 year-olds who tried out for The Nutcracker yesterday: over 200

M's number: 1006

A's number: 1007

Days until we find out their Nurtcracker parts: 4

Baseball games cancelled due to rain: 1

Pages read of mother-daughter book club book: 80

Visits to show off Bunky: 1, today, to Sarah/Hannah/Andrew/John's house

Tired mommies: 1


KV says:

Question and request…
Q: What Nutcracker parts are the girls hoping for? It’s going to be REALLY tough topping the bumblebees.

DebbieWager says:

Tell more about that VIP dinner!!

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